Dear all,


Thanks for being a team leader/ local organizer!

Please join one of our onboarding sessions about being a team leader:

We are working on simplifying install instructions (please wait with those).

We plan to send an email to all registrants next week Tuesday.

The are currently reworking the Git lessons for week 1 to reflect more how people work with Git today.

Thank you

First of all: Thanks so much for doing this! It's the teams and team leaders that make this workshop really work. We really appreciate!

What to expect

Expect a dynamic, exciting first week with lots of hands-on activities. Week 2 will be calmer, as we try a new route, providing exercise walk-throughs on stream and leaving it up to groups and individuals to play around on their own time. We suggest to meet in teams for week 1. If your group prefers to go through week 2 exercises, then we recommend to schedule your own sessions for that.

How to prepare to lead a team

Some hints on being a team leader

Do you want to be active or to be around?

Be kind and considerate to everyone. Not everyone has to learn or do the same things. Don't make people feel bad for not doing as much as others, it's only natural!

Don't worry! Take the first day to see how it works and then adapt based on what your group would like.

It can be very hard to get people to talk sometimes. You can try this: Ask someone to screen-share (or you can). The person screen-sharing doesn't figure out what to do, but others tell them what to do. You can even make any exercises group-based this way.

If you meet in-person and have a large screen to share: Twitch stream on one half, Notes on the other half.

Onboarding session

We provide 4 sessions for onboarding of team leaders next week. Please join one of them to learn about the workshop format and ask any questions you may have. The zoom link is the on top of the email.

Materials to read

One-page summary with tips and tricks:


If you have any questions, please write to

Thank you,

Radovan and the CodeRefinery team

EARL Workshop

The workshop will be held on RecSys 2024.


